Don’t Post to Social Media Without This One Thing

I see this happening all the time- heck, I used to do this too.  People are constantly posting to social media without a clear goal.  Maybe they have a fuzzy goal, and just know that they need to “be on social media.” But if you’re going to spend precious time or money creating content, why would you waste that time or money?

Social media should be a place for you to connect with your ideal buyer, but that’s not all. What do you want that connection to yield? Web traffic? Messages? Phone calls? New clients?

Some would say that all of the above are their goal.  That’s like saying everyone is your ideal buyer. If your goal is broad, your results will be tiny. As much as we think that we can multi-task, we can’t.  More times than not, focusing on more than one thing has us getting little to nothing accomplished.

So, how can we ensure that time isn’t wasted on social media by throwing spaghetti against the wall so to speak until it sticks?

Clear Goals

Clear goals are the first step to having any type of success with social media. After all, you can’t succeed at a goal that doesn’t exist. Setting clear goals such as x number of inquiries, x number of clients, or x number of website visitors will bring fresh clarity to your social media strategy.  With a clear goal in front of you, all that needs to be done now is reverse-engineering the goal.


Think about your ideal buyer. What problems do they have that you can solve? What problems do they have that you can’t solve? What could you say in a crowded room to make them raise their hand and say “Yep, that’s me?” What inspires them? What entertains them? What myths do they need busted? Why should they trust you? What are the biggest objections that they have?

Reverse-engineering your goal by creating content based on the questions above will bring further clarity to your social media. It will allow you to craft a social media account/ page that feels personal. Your ideal buyer will feel as if you’re speaking directly to them and continually be nurtured into liking, knowing, and trusting your brand.

Don’t Waste Your Time

Don’t waste your time throwing random content out there because there’s a new trend, or that you heard a particular type of content is doing well now. Start with a clear goal, and work from there.

If you’d like to dive deep into not only your ideal buyer persona but also your competitors and your business “why,” check out what’s included in a Strategy Session. They’re 50% off until November 14th. 2020.  So if you’d like to find clarity, as well as content that almost writes itself, and a vast hashtag list, let’s talk.

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