Social Strategy vs. Social Tactics

When so many people think of social media, they think about tactics to get growth, engagement, and conversions.  But, algorithms have a way of changing and ruining tactics that used to work so well before. If you feel like you’ve hit a roadblock with your social media, keep reading.

What’s the Difference?

Here’s the difference between tactics and strategy: Tactics are methods used to increase social media growth, reach, or engagement.  Some examples of tactics include engagement groups, story views, gain parties, and follow/unfollow.  Now technically, all of the things I’ve just listed will land you in hot water with the algorithm today, and two of them are against Instagram’s terms of service.

Tactics often work really well for a short while, then the algorithm gets mad that people aren’t paying for paid ads and make the tactic illegal.  A strategy, on the other hand, is a plan focused on building a relationship with and speaking to your ideal buyer.  A good strategy will last you through years of algorithm and social media changes.

Shift Your Focus

To create a strategy that gives you clarity and peace, rather than feeling helpless and ready to give up, you need to shift your focus. Shift that focus from obsessing over follower count, reach, and engagement, and focus instead on things that last years of time:

  1. Your ideal buyer.
  2. Your business why.
  3. Your competitors.

You must bring the focus back to your ideal buyer. Who are they? Where do they hang out? What problems do they have? What inspires them? What’s been their life experience? Without your ideal buyer, you wouldn’t have a business, so stop trying to reach people who don’t jive with your brand for the sake of growth or reach.

Your business why is so important! It’s what sets you apart from the others out there who are offering your ideal buyer something. Tell your story, talk about your values. Get vulnerable and let your ideal buyer see that they can trust you to have the best solution to their problem.

Lastly, if you want to still use tactics, look at what your competitors are doing on social media. Analyze what’s working for them and why. Armed with the “why,” try and improve upon what they’ve done, whether it be through types of content, a particular sense of humor, or a contest.

How to Finally Gain Clarity

If you want to take a deep-dive into all of these topics, get a tailored hashtag list, and learn how to generate strategic content almost instantly and without a headache, it sounds like a strategy session would be perfect for you! These intensive sessions are 50% off until November 14th, 2020. So make sure to grab one before it’s too late.


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